How to Reduce Your Weight from 70kg to 60kg in 3 Months: A Personal Journey

"Weight loss journey from 70kg to 60kg"

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own skin? Does the scale seem like an unyielding adversary? If you weigh 70 kg and want to shed those extra kilograms to reach 60 kg in just three months, you’re not alone. Many people are on a similar quest, and it’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling confident, healthy, and empowered.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through actionable steps, realistic goals, and emotional support to help you embark on this journey. Let’s get started on your weight loss journey, turning those dreams into reality.

1. Set Realistic Goals

The first step in your weight loss journey is setting clear, achievable goals. You want to lose 10 kg in three months, which means losing about 0.8 kg (1.76 pounds) per week. This is a safe and realistic target.

Why Set Realistic Goals?

  • Avoid Burnout: Setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and burnout. You want to create a sustainable lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.
  • Boost Motivation: Each small milestone you reach will motivate you to keep going. Celebrate those victories, whether it’s a week of healthy eating or hitting the gym consistently.

Goal-Setting Tips:

  • Write It Down: Document your goals in a journal. Seeing them in writing reinforces your commitment.
  • Break It Down: Instead of focusing solely on the total weight loss, break it down into monthly or weekly targets.
  • Visualize Success: Picture what your life will look like at your goal weight. Visualization can be a powerful motivator!

2. Create a Balanced Diet Plan

Your diet plays a crucial role in weight loss. To achieve your goal of losing 10 kg in three months, you need to focus on eating nutritious, whole foods while being mindful of portion sizes.

Key Components of a Balanced Diet:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Fill your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables. They are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps you feel full.
  • Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, and legumes. Protein helps preserve muscle mass while you lose weight.
  • Whole Grains: Swap refined grains for whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain bread. They provide sustained energy and keep you satiated.
  • Healthy Fats: Don’t shy away from healthy fats found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil. They support heart health and keep you feeling satisfied.

Meal Planning Tips:

  • Pre-Plan Your Meals: Set aside time each week to plan your meals. This will help you make healthier choices and avoid last-minute temptations.
  • Control Portions: Use smaller plates and bowls to help manage portion sizes. It’s a simple trick to reduce calorie intake without feeling deprived.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. Aim for at least 2 liters a day.

3. Incorporate Regular Exercise

While diet is essential for weight loss, exercise complements your efforts and helps you achieve your goals faster. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week, along with strength training exercises twice a week.

Types of Exercises to Consider:

  • Cardio: Activities like walking, running, cycling, or swimming elevate your heart rate and help burn calories. Aim for 30 minutes a day, five times a week.
  • Strength Training: Building muscle boosts your metabolism, meaning you burn more calories even at rest. Consider weightlifting, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats.
  • Flexibility and Balance: Yoga or stretching exercises can enhance flexibility and reduce the risk of injury while exercising.

Creating an Exercise Routine:

  • Find Activities You Enjoy: Choose exercises you love, whether it’s dancing, hiking, or joining a sports team. You’re more likely to stick with it!
  • Mix It Up: Variety keeps things interesting and prevents burnout. Alternate between different types of workouts throughout the week.
  • Set a Schedule: Treat your workout sessions like appointments. Schedule them in your calendar to ensure you stay consistent.

4. Stay Accountable

Accountability is vital for successful weight loss. Sharing your journey with others can provide encouragement and support.

Ways to Stay Accountable:

  • Find a Workout Buddy: Team up with a friend or family member who shares similar goals. You can motivate each other to stay on track.
  • Join a Support Group: Consider joining a weight loss support group, whether in-person or online. Sharing experiences and challenges can be incredibly helpful.
  • Track Your Progress: Use a journal or app to log your food intake, workouts, and emotions. Tracking keeps you aware of your choices and progress.

Sharing Your Journey:

  • Social Media: Post updates on your journey on social media platforms. Sharing your successes and struggles can inspire others and keep you motivated.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Treat yourself when you reach a significant milestone, whether it’s a new outfit or a fun activity. Celebrate your hard work!

5. Manage Stress and Emotional Eating

Weight loss isn’t just about physical changes; it’s also a mental journey. Managing stress and avoiding emotional eating are crucial components of your success.

Tips to Combat Emotional Eating:

  • Identify Triggers: Keep a journal to track your emotions and food choices. Recognizing patterns can help you find alternative coping strategies.
  • Find Healthier Alternatives: When cravings hit, opt for healthier snacks like fruits, nuts, or yogurt instead of reaching for junk food.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing. These techniques can help you cope with stress without turning to food.

Stress Management Strategies:

  • Physical Activity: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress. Even a short walk can clear your mind and elevate your mood.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as reading, painting, or gardening. Finding joy outside of food can be transformative.
  • Connect with Loved Ones: Spend quality time with friends and family. Talking about your feelings can lighten your emotional load.

6. Embrace the Journey

Finally, remember that weight loss is a journey, not a race. Embrace the ups and downs along the way. There will be good days and tough days, but every step counts.

Tips for Embracing Your Weight Loss Journey:

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself during setbacks. Instead of feeling guilty, focus on what you can learn from the experience.
  • Focus on the Positives: Instead of obsessing over the number on the scale, celebrate the non-scale victories, like improved energy levels or fitting into clothes better.
  • Stay Patient: Weight loss takes time. Trust the process, and don’t rush your journey. Your body is changing, and that deserves appreciation.

Inspirational Reminders:

  • Visualize Your Future Self: Picture who you want to be at your goal weight. This visualization will help motivate you on days when you feel discouraged.
  • Join a Community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who inspire you to stay committed and share their own success stories.


Reducing your weight from 70 kg to 60 kg in three months is an achievable goal with dedication, planning, and the right mindset. Remember, you’re not just changing your appearance; you’re investing in your health and happiness.

Embrace the journey, celebrate your successes, and stay focused on your goals. You’ve got this!

SEO Elements

  1. Focus Keyword: weight loss
  2. Alt Text: “Person on a weight loss journey, holding a scale and smiling”
  3. Title: “How to Reduce My Weight from 70kg to 60kg in 3 Months: Your Ultimate Guide”
  4. Caption: “Embark on a transformative weight loss journey and achieve your goals with these actionable tips.”
  5. Description: “Discover effective strategies to reduce your weight from 70kg to 60kg in just three months. This comprehensive guide offers diet plans, exercise routines, and emotional support to help you succeed.”
  6. Tags: #WeightLoss #HealthJourney #FitnessGoals #HealthyEating #LifestyleChange #Wellness

Meta Description

“Looking to reduce your weight from 70kg to 60kg in just three months? This ultimate guide offers practical tips, meal plans, and exercise routines to help you achieve your goals sustainably and effectively.”

By following these guidelines, you’re well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals. Remember, it’s about building a healthier lifestyle that you can maintain long after you’ve reached your target weight. Good luck on your journey!

Losing weight can be an emotional rollercoaster. I’ve been there. I know how challenging it is to look at the scales, see that 70kg, and wish it would just move to 60kg. It’s not just about numbers—it’s about how you feel, your health, and your confidence. Over the next three months, I made a commitment to myself to shed those 10kg, and I want to share that journey with you, step-by-step. If you’re ready to take the plunge, let’s get started!

1. Set Realistic Goals and Track Your Progress

The first thing I did was set a clear and realistic goal: to lose 10kg in three months. Setting realistic goals is crucial because it helps you stay focused without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Break It Down: Instead of thinking about 10kg all at once, I broke it down to about 3-4kg per month, or roughly 1kg per week. Extend info: Breaking down your goal into smaller milestones makes it more achievable and less intimidating. I kept a journal where I wrote down my weekly progress. Seeing the number go down—even by 0.5kg—was encouraging. You can also use an app to track your weight and celebrate small victories along the way. The key is to stay consistent and not get discouraged by minor fluctuations.

2. Create a Calorie Deficit with Balanced Nutrition

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. This is where creating a calorie deficit comes into play—but it’s important to do it wisely.

  • Calculate Your Calorie Needs: First, I used an online calculator to determine how many calories I needed to maintain my weight, then I reduced it by 500 calories per day. Extend info: Cutting 500 calories daily can help you lose about 0.5kg per week. However, I made sure to keep my meals balanced. I focused on nutrient-dense foods that kept me full longer—like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Starving yourself is not the answer; it’s about making smarter food choices that fuel your body.
  • Meal Prep and Portion Control: I started meal prepping on Sundays to make sure I had healthy options ready during the week. Portion control was also a game-changer—I used smaller plates to trick my brain into thinking I was eating more.

3. Stay Active with Exercise You Enjoy

Exercise isn’t just about burning calories—it’s about finding something you enjoy that gets you moving. To reduce my weight, I focused on staying active with exercises that I enjoyed.

  • Mix It Up: I started with a combination of cardio and strength training. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I did 30-minute runs, while Tuesdays and Thursdays were for bodyweight exercises like squats and push-ups. Extend info: I made sure to keep my workouts enjoyable. On weekends, I went for a long hike or joined a Zumba class with friends. Finding exercises you genuinely enjoy makes it less of a chore and more of a lifestyle. Plus, strength training helps build muscle, which increases your metabolism and helps burn more calories even at rest.
  • Get Moving in Everyday Life: I also added small activities throughout my day, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of driving for short distances, and doing some stretches while watching TV. These little efforts add up over time!

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated was one of the simplest yet most effective habits I adopted. Drinking enough water helped me feel full and reduced unnecessary snacking.

  • Water Before Meals: I drank a glass of water before every meal, which helped reduce my portion sizes. Extend info: Water is crucial for keeping your metabolism running efficiently. Sometimes, our bodies mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. I carried a water bottle with me everywhere to ensure I drank enough throughout the day. Adding lemon or cucumber slices also made it more enjoyable to sip on.

5. Get Quality Sleep

Quality sleep was an important but often overlooked part of my weight loss journey. When you’re well-rested, your body functions better, including your metabolism.

  • Aim for 7-8 Hours: I made it a priority to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Extend info: Lack of sleep can lead to increased hunger and cravings, especially for sugary or high-carb foods. I set a regular bedtime and avoided screens an hour before sleep. Creating a calming bedtime routine helped me fall asleep faster and wake up feeling refreshed, ready to tackle my workouts and stick to my meal plan.

6. Manage Stress Levels

Stress can lead to overeating, especially when it comes to comfort foods. Managing stress was key to staying on track.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: I incorporated deep breathing exercises and yoga into my routine to help manage stress. Extend info: When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol, which can increase your appetite and lead to weight gain, particularly around the belly area. I found that spending just 10 minutes a day meditating helped reduce my stress levels significantly. Finding a hobby you love—whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing an instrument—can also be a great way to de-stress.

7. Avoid Sugary Drinks and Processed Foods

I realized that a lot of hidden calories were coming from sugary drinks and processed foods. Cutting them out made a big difference in my progress.

  • Ditch the Soda: I replaced sugary drinks like soda and juice with water, herbal tea, or black coffee. Extend info: Sugary drinks are loaded with empty calories that don’t fill you up, making it easier to overconsume. I also avoided processed foods and opted for fresh ingredients instead. Whole foods are more filling and packed with nutrients that help you stay energized and satisfied longer. Reading labels became a habit, and I learned to avoid anything with a long list of ingredients I couldn’t pronounce.

8. Find a Support System

Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle, but having a support system made it more manageable and enjoyable for me.

  • Workout Buddy: I found a friend who also wanted to get healthier, and we became accountability partners. Extend info: Having someone to share the journey with makes a world of difference. We motivated each other, shared meal ideas, and celebrated each other’s progress. If you don’t have someone nearby, online communities can also be a great source of support. Just knowing you’re not alone can help you push through on tough days.

9. Allow Yourself Occasional Treats

Depriving yourself of all your favorite foods can make weight loss miserable. I learned the importance of allowing occasional treats.

  • Practice Moderation: Instead of cutting out desserts completely, I allowed myself a small treat once a week. Extend info: Having a piece of dark chocolate or a scoop of ice cream didn’t derail my progress. In fact, it helped me stay sane and prevented binge eating. The key is moderation and making sure it’s a conscious choice rather than an emotional response to stress or boredom.

10. Stay Consistent and Patient

Finally, the most important lesson I learned was to stay consistent and be patient. Weight loss is a journey, and results take time.

  • Trust the Process: There were weeks when the scale didn’t move, but I didn’t give up. Extend info: Progress isn’t always linear, and that’s okay. Trust that your efforts will pay off in the long run. Focus on how you feel—more energetic, stronger, healthier—rather than just the number on the scale. Celebrate non-scale victories like clothes fitting better, improved stamina, and better mood. Consistency is key, and even small steps in the right direction add up over time.


Reducing your weight from 70kg to 60kg in three months is achievable with the right mindset, consistent effort, and smart lifestyle changes. It’s not about crash diets or punishing workouts—it’s about creating sustainable habits that make you feel your best. Remember, every step you take brings you closer to your goal. Stay focused, believe in yourself, and you’ll see the results you’re hoping for.

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